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Increased expectations with increased support

The SRCS Learning Spaces Mainstream Re-engagement Program aims to reflect typical mainstream expectations relating to student participation and behaviour whilst providing increased academic and wellbeing support to bolster students’ self-esteem and -efficacy.


We operate within a School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework. Students are required to participate in all aspects of the program and, when they are not able to meet expectations, we utilise a positive behaviour management system that provides multiple opportunities for individual staff to support to



The Personal Development, English and Health and Physical Education elements of our curriculum are integrated under the Personal and Social Capabilities aspect of the Australian Curriculum.


Our curriculum is designed to reflect mainstream schooling, offering specialist subjects taught by specialist teachers; units of work where applicable; and integrated formative and summative assessment. Content and learning tasks have been carefully chosen based on their transferability to mainstream classrooms and wider school environments. Each Learning Area, listed below, has been developed in line with relevant components of the Victorian Curriculum:

Numeracy: Years 7-10 including Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Statistics, Probability and Financial Mathematics  
Literacy: English, Humanities and transferrable Literacy Skills
Science: Theory and Practicals 
Health and Physical Education: Gym Program, Bike Ed, and Healthy Eating Program
Personal Development: Physical and Mental Wellbeing, Social Skills, and Resilience
Art: Art Theory and Practice, and Therapeutic Art-based Projects












Copies of site-specific timetables will be provided upon intake. 

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